What is PingPong?

PingPong is a bot for running automated trading strategies. It allows for interactive experimentation of new strategies through the julia REPL, and their live deployment to trading exchanges with almost zero code replication.

The bot is based around the concept of strategies. A strategy requires a primary currency which represents its balance and a primary exchange where all the orders will be forwarded (and against which they will be checked for validity).

Writing a pingpong strategy is equivalent to writing a julia module, that the bot will load (either dynamically or statically on deployments). Within the module you import the pingpong interface, such that you can specialize ping! entry functions relative only to your strategy, the rest is up to you.

The framework provides a long list of convenience or utility functions to manipulate the strategy and assets objects defined in different modules. In fact the bot is quite modular and is made of almost 30 packages, even though the majority of them is required to actually run the bot.

From the strategy you can manage orders through pong! functions and expect them to be executed during simulation and live trading (through the CCXT library, and other venues in a possible future) while returning the same data structures even if populated through different means.

The advantage of PingPong over trading bots written in other programming languages is its flexibility thanks to the julia parametric type system that allows to extend the bot by specializing functions to perform ad hoc logic. An exchange is behaving differently compared to others? You can specialize the balance function over only that particular exchange by defining:

balance(exc::Exchange{:MyQuirkyExchange}, args...) ... end

where :MyQuirkyExchange is the ExchangeID symbol of the exchange you are targeting.

This is how strategy ping! functions also dispatch, because the strategies always have in their type parameters the Symbol which matches the module of the strategy itself. Indeed you cannot define multiple strategies with the same name. And it is also how we are able to have almost zero code duplication between simulation and live trading, the execution mode is just another type parameter of the strategy.

The bot has tools to download, clean and store data, that make use of popular julia libraries. See Data, and tools to resample time series see Processing.

It can:

  • track live data like tickers, trades, ohlcv, see Watchers.
  • compute statistics about backtest runs, see Stats
  • generate interactive and fully browsable plots for ohlcv data, indicators and backtesting runs, see Plotting
  • Optimize strategy parameters Optimization

Install (docker)

Recommended installation is through docker. There are 4 images:

precompiled 🧰sysimage 📦
only runtime 🖥‍pingpong-precomppingpong-sysimage
with plotting and optimizer 📊pingpong-precomp-interactivepingpong-sysimage-interactive
docker pull docker.io/panifie/pingpong-precomp
docker run -it --rm docker.io/panifie/pingpong-precomp julia
using PingPong # or PingPongInteractive for plotting and optimization

Install (git)

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/panifie/PingPong.jl
cd PingPong.jl

Check the env vars in .envrc, then enabled them with direnv allow. Launch julia with the PingPong project:

julia --project ./PingPong

Load PingPong

] instantiate
using PingPong # or PingPongInteractive for plotting and optimization


Load the default strategy, which you can look up at ./user/strategies/SimpleStrategy/ or make your own.

using PingPong
using Data: Data as data
using SimMode: SimMode as sm

# `st` is the `Strategies` module
# arguments override defaults (see `s.config` fields)
s = st.strategy(:SimpleStrategy, exchange=:binance) 

Download some data:

# download last 1000 candles from strategy exchange
fetch_ohlcv(s, from=-1000) 

Load the data into the strategy universe:


Backtest the strategy within the period available from the loaded data.

# `sm` is the `SimMode` module

Plot the simulated trades.

using Plotting
using WGLMakie # or `GLMakie`
plots!() # or `Pkg.activate("PingPongInteractive"); using PingPongInteractive`


The most relevant underlying PingPong modules.

  • Engine: The actual backtest engine.
  • Strategies: Types and concept for building strategies.
  • Exchanges: Loads exchanges instances, markets and pairlists, based on ccxt.
  • Plotting: Output plots for ohlcv data, indicators, backtests, based on Makie.
  • Remote Control the bot remotely.
  • Data: Loading and saving ohlcv data (and more), based Zarr.
  • Stats: Statistics about backtests, and live operations.
  • Processing: Data cleanup, normalization, resampling functions.
  • Watchers: Services for data pipelines, from sources to storage.
  • Misc: Ancillary stuff, like configuration, and some UI bits.
  • Analysis: The bulk of indicators evaluation, depends of a bunch of (heavy) julia libraries like CausalityTools and Indicators. Most of the package is implemented through optional deps such that you only import what you need.
